Monday, June 22, 2009

Meat for a Day in the Living Foods New Lifestyle Diet

Blog Acronyms / Abbreviations

BOA:Blessings of Abundance l BOP: Blessings of Poverty l FOTSW: Fell off the sugar wagon l HM:Holosync Meditation CD l IOP: Inconvenience of Poverty l LFL: Living Foods


VitaMix Raw Food Machine l Meditation CD


Well, I confess. Sunday was a total bus in my new living foods lifestyle.

I ate all kinds of stuff yesterday. But if I wasn't on a raw kick, it would have been considered a good day. I had stove top boiled chicken thighs, some cooked okra (not fried), and some rice and gravy. The gravy was probably the worst of the meal b/c it contained some salt pork for seasoning. I did eat an apple, some watermelon and yes, even some Haagen's Das ice cream in a waffle cone.

So spank me with a wet noodle. Today I'm back on track, though it is not over yet. Went to get some distilled water and some more liquid juices. Added some acai to it, but I can't say that I love the taste. Just thought I would give a small bottle a try. I have to say I like the Matol acai product much much better. Matol is now Univera, and they are the people who make the "miracle in a bottle" liquid potassium supplement, KM. This store bought stuff can't match its orac value either, but until my cash flow problem goes away, it may have to do. Ah, BOP!

Ok, well gotta get some work done. I am revamping my site with a new look and new articles.



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